Representatives from the Ministry of Economic Development and Growth & Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science Visit BDDC


Representatives from the Ministry of Economic Development and Growth (MEDG) & Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science (MRIS)- Advanced Technologies Unit visit the Bioproducts Discovery & Development Centre. Mellissa McDonald, Director, Government Relations and Professor Malcolm Campbell, Vice President Research from the University of Guelph guided the tour around campus. The tours first stop was the BDDC where an overview and tour of the centre was provided by Professor Amar Mohanty the director of the centre.

The following representatives from MEDG and MRIS participated in the tour:

Alex Lee - Senior Sector Advisor, (Autonomous Vehicles, Smart Homes and Smart Cities, Cloud Computing)

Meghan Gervais - Senior Advisor, (Energy Storage, Renewable Resources, and Next Generation Networking)

Jonathan Tavone - Senior Advisor, (FinTech, Cyber Security)

Stella Jiang - Senior Advisor, (Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology, Advanced Robotics, 3D Printing)

Heather Evans - Senior Advisor, (Advanced Software, AI, Quantum Technologies)

Sharleen Gong - Co-op Student

Etai Mizrahi - Co-op Student

MEDG group photo

MEDG in conference room

MEDG viewing machines

MEDG participating in tour

Reps from MEDG watching machine