Located at the University of Guelph, The Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre (BDDC) is an interdisciplinary centre where plant biologists, chemists, and engineers converge to investigate and commercialize biomaterials.
Established in 2008, the BDDC conducts leading edge research to develop greener bioproducts to substitute non-renewable materials in many manufacturing sectors (including automotive), consumer goods and services.
The BDDC has facilities to carry out research and collaborative activities in the areas of:
- Sustainable polymers
- Circular economy and environmental sustainability
- Valorization of biomass waste, food-wastes and industrial co-products
- Valorization of waste plastics (chemical and mechanical recycling)
- Bioplastics and Biocomposites
- Biocarbon in engineering sustainable materials
- Biodegradable plastics and alternatives to single-use plastics
- Lightweight sustainable composites for automotive industry
- Additive manufacturing (3D printing) of sustainable materials
- Sustainable packaging materials - High barrier packaging
- Pyrolysis of biomass and waste plastics
- Process engineering - Reactive Extrusion, Injection molding, Thermoforming, Multi-layer blown and cast film processing
Commercial application of research results is a guiding principle for the BDDC. Companies working in the automotive, packaging or building materials sectors will find the BDDC a valuable partner in biomaterials production and processing.
This fully resourced facility is unique to Ontario and provides industry the opportunity to partner with university-based researchers in their exploration of new materials and processing techniques. Innovations coming from the BDDC will help companies in their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their environmental footprint, while helping Canada to grow its bio-economy.
Please explore further to find out how you can benefit from working with the BDDC.
Upcoming Events
Americas Regional Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS 2025), September 22 - 25, 2025
Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CSChE 2025) Chemical Engineering in an AI World: A Pioneer of Sustainability, October 5-8, 2025
2025 CIC - Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award Lecture By Prof. Amar K. Mohanty: Sustainable and Green Materials for a Circular Bioeconomy