Prof. Misra receives the CEPS Undergraduate Supervision Award 2020


CEPS Undergraduate Supervision Award

"Awarded to the faculty member who best exemplifies excellence in undergraduate supervision, Prof. Manjusri Misra, School of Engineering, receives the CEPS Undergraduate Supervision Award. Misra maximizes her students’ potential in both educational and applied settings, having supervised more than 50 undergraduate students in the last 10 years at U of G, many of whom have received national and international recognition in connection to Misra’s mentorship. She provides students with opportunities to enhance their experiences in academia, with 25 students as primary authors and 14 as co-authors on peer-reviewed manuscripts in high-impact journals. Many of Misra’s undergraduate students have pursued graduate studies. Misra consistently demonstrates her “enthusiasm, encouragement, and belief in the potential of every student,” and leaves a lasting impression on those she mentors."

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