Federal Agriculture and Agri Food Committee Visit the BDDC


On Tuesday, May 8, 2018, the Federal Agriculture and Agri Food Committee (MPs from all parties) visited the BDDC. Andrew Anstey, Lab Manager and Research Program Operator, gave a presentation and overview of the Centre's activities, recent developments, and ongoing research in the field of sustainability and green living. Guests were then taken on a tour of the lab facilities. 

The Federal Agriculture and Agri Food Committee (MP's from all parties) visited the BDDC

Andrew Ansteym Lab Manager and Research Program Operator, gave a presenation and overview of the the Centres activities, developments and ongoing research in the field of sustainability and green living

Andrew Ansteym Lab Manager and Research Program Operator, gave a presenation and overview of the the Centres activities, developments and ongoing research in the field of sustainability and green living